viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Patterns of Light: The Light of Christ

What is light? In this three part series, Elder David A. Bednar discusses how we receive and perceive light from God. Part 1 centers on the properties of light and how the Light of Christ affects all men and women everywhere. (2:33).

Patterns of Light: Discerning Light

How do we recognize divine light and discern it from our own thoughts? In part 2 of this three part series, Elder David A. Bednar discusses how to discern and act upon light from God. (2:12)

Patterns of Light: Spirit of Revelation

What is the connection between light and revelation? In part 3 of this three part series, Elder David A. Bednar explains the patterns of light by which God communicates with us and how they lead to the spirit of revelation. (3:04)